Dear Brigitte,
Many, many thanks for your kind message. I am so grateful to you for your support. It means so much to me.
As I mentioned, I have already read so many books about the afterlife but with your books it is something special.
For the first time I know the kind and warm-hearted person behind the books. I know that I can trust you.
By the way, I like the under linings in the first volume and repetitions are absolutely no problem. They underline the authenticity of your Mum’s messages.
In the mean time I started with your third book ( Truths, Lies and Distortions’ ). I have reached chapter 8. This book is about the big picture and comprises all the topics I have been interested in for all my life.
I could imagine that a religious person might have some problems with realising that there is no personal God but a strong spiritual energy force permeating everything. I really totally agree with the messages of your guides concerning this.
With best wishes- Ingolf Erben (Germany)