10 events found.
BOOK SIGNING &TALK – ELSECAR (Barnsley) Heritage Centre S74- 8HJ
ELSECAR Heritage Centre Wath Road, nr BARNSLEY, United KingdomAt my Author's stand: BOOK SIGNING - my 4 Channelled BOOKS: 'I'm Not Dead: I'm Alive Without a Body' (vol.1&2) + 'Truths, Lies & Distortions: Why Mankind is suffering: Hidden Truths revealed’ + Worlds BEYOND the ‘Spirit World’ (See details … Continue reading
BOOK SIGNING &TALK – NEWARK Showground Winthorpe NG24 2NY
NEWARK Showground, Cedric Ford Pavilion-Lincoln Rd, Winthorpe , United KingdomAt my Author's stand: BOOK SIGNING - my 4 Channelled BOOKS: 'I'm Not Dead: I'm Alive Without a Body' (vol.1&2) + 'Truths, Lies & Distortions: Why Mankind is suffering: Hidden Truths revealed’ + Worlds BEYOND the ‘Spirit World’ (See details … Continue reading